Sunday, 2 July 2023

half way update

Progress has been slow for the last two months as the gallery gets busier with visitors. It's a double edged sword: being open to the public is what allows me to make a living from what I do, however it also means I get very little creative work done as I'm busy speaking to visitors, manning the gallery all day. Every year I have to frustratingly accept that most of my creative work happens over winter when the gallery is shut and I have time and peace to concentrate.

Any progress in the last month has taken place first thing in the morning. I started coming to work earlier so that I can have at least one hour to myself before the day starts. Half of that time is usually spent just staring at the tapestry, trying to refamiliarise myself with what I was doing the previous day as it is complicated with many subtle colour blends. It's slow, fractured progress but better than no progress at all.

I am somewhat regretting starting such a complicated artwork when I don't have much time to dedicate to it at present. I think this is the reason I've delayed starting this tapestry for a couple of years, I knew it was going to be complicated! Now that I have finally reached the horizon (hurray!) I think I'll temporarily ignore this piece and spend some time with my sketchbook and paints as I haven't painted in ages. My brain could benefit from a change of scenery.

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